Grange Farm Primary School

Key Info & Policies

Single Equality Plan

Grange Farm Primary School is committed to equality of opportunity for all.  We have a School Vision rooted in our shared aspirations for our pupils and we are very clear that this means all pupils.

This Single Equality Plan sets out how we embed this into our day-to-day practice, incorporating our equality statement, our equality information and objectives and also the school’s accessibility plan.

Combining these elements into one document shows the school’s understanding that they are not bolt-on extras that sit aside from the work of the school but are intertwined and are integral to our vision, ethos and purpose.

Single Equality Plan

Admission Arrangements

Primary schools in the city serve children between the ages of 4 and 11 years. In most areas one school will provide for all primary age pupils; in one area there is a separate school for Infants (aged 4-7) and Juniors (aged 8-11). Some schools also have Nursery Classes, which admit children in the academic year before they are due to start school.

Coventry children may be admitted to primary schools at the beginning of the school year after their fourth birthday provided they have reached the age of four by the 31 August. However, children must start school at the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday.


Coventry Admissions Policy 2022

Ofsted Report

Grange Farm Primary School was last inspected by Ofsted in October 2018.  The one day inspection resulted in a report letter which you can read below:


Further information from Ofsted, including previous reports, can be found by following this link to the main Ofsted site.






Attainment and Achievement

In the summers of 2020 and 2021, all national assessments relating to primary schools were cancelled due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic.  As a school, we have continued to use internal assessment data and information to guide our planning but no data will be shared publically.

In the Summer of 2019 (the last set of publicly available data), our Year 6 cohort undertook statutory end of Key Stage 2 assessments with the following outcomes:

School National
Average progress scores Reading +1.41 0
Writing -1.22 0
Maths -0.61 0
Average ‘scaled scores’ Reading 107.9 104.4
Maths 106.1 105.1
Percentage of children who achieved the expected standard or above Reading 76% 73%
Writing 80% 78%
Maths 86% 79%
All three combined 70% 65%
Percentage of children who achieved a high level of attainment Reading 41% 27%
Writing 17% 20%
Maths 29% 27%
All three combined 10% 11%

You can compare the performance (as shown by data from national assessments) at the government’s School Performance Website:

School Performance Tables

In school, we use this data, alongside data collected internally about pupil attainment and progress, to help guide our school improvement process working in a partnership between staff, governors, local authority officers and other schools in our local network.

As a school we aspire to performance data which exceeds national averages in all areas.  Whilst our data for Summer 2019 showed we had not yet achieved this (securing progress scores above zero for all subjects remains a key aim), there were many positive aspects which we made us rightly proud of our children.

Complaints Procedure

Your child is entitled to receive a broad and balanced curriculum at school, including all the subjects of the National Curriculum and Religious Education. Schools must also make arrangements for a daily act of collective worship (assembly).

In addition each school must have a charging policy, which explains which school activities will be subject to a charge.

If you have concerns about anything or feel something is not being handled properly with respect of your child, then we would always encourage you to get in touch.  We want to know about issues so that they can be resolved quickly and effectively.

It is hoped that most concerns can be resolved by talking to your child’s teacher, a member of the school’s senior leadership team or the Headteacher and making sure that there are no misunderstandings. However, parents or guardians have a right to make a formal complaint. A copy of the school’s Complaints Policy is available from the school office or can be found below:

Complaints Procedure

Grange Farm Primary School is committed to dealing with all complaints fairly and impartially, and to providing a high quality service to those who complain. We will not normally limit the contact complainants have with our school. However, we do not expect our staff to tolerate unacceptable behaviour and will take action to protect staff from that behaviour, including that which is abusive, offensive or threatening.

Policy for Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints

Pupil Premium Strategy

The report below is the most recent update to our Pupil Premium strategy – this report shows the current position taking into account all available information.


Pupil Premium Report

Charging and Remissions

A copy of the policy on “Charging and Remission of Charges in Primary Schools” is available below.

To summarise the main points: –

  • A charge cannot be made for school trips undertaken in school time. The school will propose events and voluntary contributions will be invited from parents. If sufficient funds are forthcoming the school will proceed with the activities.
  • A charge can be made for trips which take place on non-school days or which substantially exceed school hours. The charge may include travel, board and lodging on residential trips.
  • A charge may be made for materials used in activities such as cookery.  These activities are classified as “optional extras” and a charge can be made if parents have previously indicated their willingness to pay the charges and wish their child to take the end product home.
  • A charge will be made for music tuition for the playing of a musical instrument if taught by a visiting music teacher specialist. Detailed information on charging for music tuition is available from the School.

Charging and Remissions Policy


At Grange Farm school we want to ensure that our pupils are able to take the fullest possible advantages of all that we have to offer. We want every pupil to attend school every day that they can and hold the view that regular attendance is important to ensure the best possible learning outcomes for all of our pupils.

This attendance policy sets out what is expected so that this may be achieved.
Our aims are to raise attendance and improve punctuality by:

  • Ensuring that all pupils have full and equal access to the best education that we can offer in order to increase learning.
  • Promoting a positive and welcoming atmosphere in which pupils feel safe, secure and valued.
  • Promoting opportunities to celebrate and reward pupils’ successes and achievements.
  • Raising awareness of the importance of good attendance.
  • Ensuring that attendance is monitored effectively and reasons for absences are recorded promptly and consistently.
  • Making parents/carers aware of their legal responsibilities.


Attendance Policy



Pupils with Disabilities

Grange Farm takes all reasonable steps to ensure that any pupil with a disability gaining a place at the school is catered for in such a way as to ensure they receive a full and equal entitlement in terms of access to the curriculum and wider school community.

Our Single Equality Plan details our approach and our current areas for development associated actions.  This is reviewed by a member of the governing body on a regular basis.


Grange Farm fully recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding children (child protection). Our policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the school.

There are five main elements to our policy:

  • Ensuring we practice safe recruitment in line with national legislation by using at least one suitably trained recruiter on all interview panels and by checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children and ensuring any unsuitable behaviour is reported and managed using the Allegations Management procedures
  • Raising awareness of child protection issues and equipping children with the skills needed to keep them safe.
  • Developing and then implementing procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse.
  • Supporting pupils who have been abused in accordance with his/her agreed child protection plan.
  • Establishing a safe environment in which children can learn and develop.

We recognise that because of the day to day contact with children, school staff are well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse. The school will therefore:

  • Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to
  • Ensure children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried
  • Include opportunities across the curriculum for children to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Sports Premium Report

At Grange Farm we value maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum that enables all children to thrive.
Physical and emotional well-being play a key part in children making good or better progress in all ways in school and we want all children to leave Year 6 instilled with an enjoyment of an active, healthy lifestyle that will last a life-time and an understanding of the benefits that this will have on their life experiences.

We want to ensure that all children have access to at least their entitlement of Physical Education in the week but that all also have (and take up) the opportunity to extend this experience in extra-curricular pursuits that give them experience of a broad range of sports and activities.

Sports Premium Report


The Department for Education requires all primary schools to publish information about swimming achievement on their school website.

All schools are asked to identify what proportion of children have reached the standard expected by the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6).  The standard is described as follows:

·         Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres

·         Use a range of strokes effectively (for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke)

·         Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

Children at Grange Farm swim for one term in Year 4. This means that our achievement data is based on a point in time two years before the expected standard it expected to be achieved.

Of the current Year 6 cohort, 34% had achieved this standard by the end of Year 4. There are no national averages to compare to as yet but this is clearly a lower figure than we would want to have in place (by the end of Key Stage 2).

Our surveys of the children in Year 5 and 6 indicate that a very large majority of children have by now achieved the expected standard in swimming. This increase is consistent with other more general parental surveys showing that a very large majority of our pupils regularly attend private swimming lessons outside of school.

Whilst we are confident that our children’s swimming achievement will, in practice, be above the national average, our evaluation of our approach to swimming indicated that we needed to adopt a different strategy moving forward to ensure that this is the case. We have plans to adopt a “catch-up” intervention strategy for children who are at risk of not achieving the standard by the end of Year 6. However, plans for this have been delayed by the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic.

United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulations 2016 and subsequent domestic legislation replaced the EU Data Protection Regulation 1995 and the Data Protection Act 1998 in an aid to update and manage a technologically advancing world. In order to provide adequate protection to these changes, the EU have increased the accountability of data controllers/processors and enhanced the rights of individuals.  Since Brexit (1st January 2021), the United Kingdom is now under the UK General Data Protection Regulations and we are in the process of updating policy and practice to reflect this.  The principles of sound data protection processes remain in place.

The School has notified the Information Commissioner’s Officer of its data processing and its registration number is Z6412284.

Click on the links below to view the UK GDPR Data Protection Policy, UK GDPR Special Category Data Policy, UK GDPR Data Privacy Notice, UK GPDR Data Privacy Notice for Children, Record Retention Schedule and Records Management Policy.  All of these policies will be updated with respect to UK GDPR within the next 12 months.

GDPR Data Protection Policy

Data Breach Policy 



The School aims to satisfy all valid requests for information under the UK General Data Protection Regulations and domestic data protection legislation subject to the exemptions stated in the Act.

Please click on the link below to view the procedure and to download the form that can be filled in to formalise your request.

Subject Access Request

Subject Access Request form

Freedom of Information


Grange Farm Primary School supports the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and its objectives of openness and accountability in the public sector. The purpose of this policy is to assist employees in meeting the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act.

Freedom of Information Policy


The authority for letting the premises lies with the headteacher but the governing body maintain an overview of lettings processes through the Resources and Management committee. Lettings can never be accepted if they compromise the ethos, health & safety, financial position or educational work of the school.

The policy, below, sets out the conditions for letting out the school building and the health and safety requirements associated with such lettings.

Lettings Policy



The government publish financial benchmarking information for all schools in the country.  This means any member of the public can compare characteristics in the approach that schools take to managing their budgets over time.  To view this information for Grange Farm, please follow “this link“.

Find Us

Grange Farm Primary School
Dewsbury Avenue


024 7641 1098
