Security & Safety
Our Reception children follow a programme of work which develops skills and provides opportunity in six key areas: Communication Language & Literacy; Mathematical Development; Knowledge & Understanding of the World; Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Creative Development and Physical Development. They follow the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum.
Years one to six follow a programme of work which is determined by the National Curriculum. This consists of eleven subjects and Religious Education. The eleven subjects are Maths, English, Science, Design Technology (DT), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), History, Geography, Art, Music, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Physical Education (PE). In Key Stage 2 children take Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) as an additional subject. The school has developed an overall plan for all subjects to ensure that a broad and balanced curriculum, which has continuity and progression, is planned for the children throughout their time at Grange Farm. Each class also has a scheme of work for each subject that outlines the curriculum to be covered for every term. All parents can access termly information detailing the curriculum to be covered by their children over the coming weeks via the schools Virtual Learning Platform.
The School is well resourced, as we believe it is essential that children have access to high quality equipment and materials. Reading and Library books are regularly replaced and there is an annual review and update of resources for classrooms and for the different subject areas.
We have made a commitment to Information Technology and recognise the need for a regular update to hardware and software. PCs are installed in every classroom and we have a suite of computers installed in our Learning Resource Centre (LRC). The school also has a well-stocked library. Group sets of wireless laptop computers extend the use of ICT within the classroom. They are used in a variety of ways to develop skills in Information and CommunicationTechnology. They also provide a means of supplying information, data and tools for supporting other areas of the curriculum. All PCs are connected to the Internet via a broadband connection. The school has a policy for the safe use of the Internet and we use a safe filter system. Every classroom is equipped with an Interactive Whiteboard. We are well stocked with books and software and children are encouraged to use the LRC for searching for information and for pleasure.
Literacy and Numeracy have a high priority in both Key Stages and children are given a great deal of support in developing and extending these basic skills. We have developed a range of whole-school policies and strategies for the teaching of English (reading, writing, spelling and handwriting) and Mathematics. Regular assessments and more formal testing regularly monitor children’s progress.
Science, Art, Modern Foreign Languages, Design Technology, Physical Education, History, Geography, IT and Religious Education are mainly taught through subject-focused modules of work in Key Stage 2. Some elements of subjects may be drawn together as Topic work where the linking of subjects is felt to be appropriate. Topic work is a more common mode of delivery for the curriculum in Key Stage 1 where the emphasis is often upon the acquisition of skills and concepts.
Physical Education is an important aspect of a child’s development. All Key Stage 2 children will experience gymnastics, athletics, games, swimming, outdoor pursuits and dance. The teaching of specific skills from the earliest years supports these activities. Key Stage1 children will have regular sessions in the hall and outside and will experience gym, games and dance. They will be taught movement control and basic skills with a variety of small apparatus.
Swimming lessons are taken in Years 3 and 4 at the Excel Sports Centre in Coventry. The aim of the swimming course is to ensure that at the very least children reach a level of proficiency to ensure their safety in the water.
All children have regular music sessions. There is a strong music tradition in the school. Peripatetic teachers provide opportunities for children to learn to play a musical instrument. The school policy is to give all interested children a chance to try an instrument, although choice is sometimes constrained by numbers.
Class teachers cover health, hygiene and personal safety as part of their Pastoral Care of the children. In addition assemblies offer opportunities for visiting speakers, frequently from the local community, to come and talk about particular aspects of this subject. Lessons in PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) are planned across the school and raise issues for discussion as well as raising self-esteem.