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Grange Farm Primary School

Grange Farm Primary School


Geography is taught as part of our Cornerstones Curriculum, alongside Art, History and Design Technology. Geography takes the role of the main subject driver for the topic in one term and is taught alongside a history driver project in the other two terms.

The Grange Farm Geography Curriculum aims to ensure inclusivity for every child. As the pupils progress through the key stages, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. We seek to inspire them to develop their curiosity and fascination of the world and its people by being equipped with key skills which will remain for the rest of their lives to help them become geographers themselves. We will encourage children to discover answers to their own questions through their own exploration and research, completing fieldwork in the local area. This will allow them to gain a greater understanding of the world and their place within it.