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Grange Farm Primary School

Grange Farm Primary School

Junior PCSO

We are pleased to share an exciting opportunity we have arranged for our Year 5 pupils as part of our working relationship with the PCSOs (Police Community Support Officers) for West Midlands Police Service. 

Junior PCSOs is a leadership initiative developed by West Midlands Police and Neighbourhood Teams. The aim of the scheme is to encourage responsibility and respect in young people as well as empower school to tackle and educate in the issues of parking, bullying and litter around their school sites. It is also to raise awareness of pupils, parents and drivers of the dangers that exist and to work together to ensure safer environments for us all.

Children in year 5 have the opportunity to apply to be a junior PCSO. Following an application process, 10 children were selected to complete their Junior PCSO training with our local Police link officers. They will continue in the role for the next year and will then help to train the next group of PCSOs next year.

Their training takes part each Thursday morning for 5 weeks initially and they will then support the school community by undertaking tasks such as promoting:

  • How to keep themselves and other people safe on the roads around school.
  • Helping keep school and community clean and tidy
  • Being a friend to anyone who is maybe having problems at school or at home
  • Being safe when using the internet
  • Road safety
  • Seat belts and in-car safety
  • How to care for the environment and members of our community
  • Basic first aid


One of their tasks was to undertake some speed awareness patrols on Leamington Road. They talked about road safety and the importance of speed limits before checking the speed of passing motorists and giving them the 'thumbs up' or asking them to slow down.

PCSO Speed Watch