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Grange Farm Primary School

Grange Farm Primary School

School Meals

Children at Grange Farm are able to either have a packed lunch sent in from home or order a school dinner which is cooked on site by our catering team.

The menu is on a two week cycle and dinners must be ordered at least a week in advance using the MyChildAtSchool app. With limited storage facilities available, this ensures that we are able to source and store the food we need to provide the meals. Unfortunately, we are unable to make changes to choices within this period and if meals are not ordered a packed lunch will need to be provided. If a meal has been ordered and a child is absent from school, the cost of the meal is automatically refunded to the parent’s account.

School dinners are free for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 but must still be ordered by parents. From year 3-6 school meal costs are £2:65 per day. Each day children have the choice of three main options which are served with a variety of side dishes. Children can then select from a range of desserts. A salad bar and bread are also available. Children can have either milk or water with their school dinner.

We continue to cater for children with allergies and specialised diets. All allergens are indicated on our menus during the selection process and also include may contain advice. If you have a child with allergies and would like further information about any of the items on the menu please speak to the school office who can arrange for a member of staff to contact you.

If parents prefer, children may bring a packed lunch. Lunch boxes should be secure and clearly marked with the child’s name. Children can also bring milk or a fruit drink to go with their lunch but containers must be unbreakable. Fizzy drinks and sweets must not be brought into school. Drinking water is always available. There is also the option of going home for lunch.

During lunchtime we have a team of Supervisory Assistants and Teaching Assistants who look after the children during the lunch break both inside and outside.





If children are attending a school visit, a packed lunch is provided for children entitled to free school meals, or those request by parents in replacement for a cooked school meal. More information about this can be found below:


Packed Lunch Menu