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Grange Farm Primary School

Grange Farm Primary School

School Performance

At different stages during their school life, children will take National Assessments. In Reception and Key Stage 1, we do these individually and in small groups so that it is as normal to the children’s school day as possible. In Key Stage 2, the assessments (known as the SATs tests) are done in May over a week period set by the government. There are strict guidelines as to how these are carried out, but we work hard to prepare the children so that they do their best and showcase their hard work.

We are proud what our children achieve, knowing that each and every one of them works hard to do their very best.

Below are the provisional results of attainment and progress for our last academic year 23/24: 

Early Years:

63.3% of our Reception cohort met the requirements for GLD (Good Level of Development). This was equal to the Coventry figure and slightly lower than the National figure of 67.7%.

Year 1 Phonics:

88.9% of our Year 1 cohort met the requirements set out in the phonics screening test. This was significantly above the Coventry figure (78.6%) and the National figure (80.4%).

End of Key Stage 2 SATs:

In May 2024, our Year 6 pupils undertook statutory end of Key Stage 2 assessments (SATs) in reading, maths and grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS).  Writing was teacher assessed using the 2019 revised writing TA frameworks and our results for this were moderated by the Local Authority.

To reach the expected standard in all of reading, writing and maths, a pupil must achieve a scaled score of 100 or more in reading and maths tests and an outcome of ‘working at the expected standard’ or ‘working at greater depth’ in writing TA. 


80% of our Year 6 cohort achieved the expected standard or above. This was significantly above the Coventry figure (68.9%) and the National figure (74.2%). 43.3% of children achieved the higher standard in the test which was significantly above the Coventry figure (23.8%) and the National figure (28.4%). Our cohort’s average scaled score was 107.4 compared to 104.1 in Coventry and 105.2 Nationally. 


86.7% of our Year 6 cohort achieved the expected standard or above. This was significantly above the Coventry figure (70.2%) and the National figure (73%). 45% of children achieved the higher standard in the test which was significantly above the Coventry figure (21.3%) and the National figure (23.7%). Our cohort’s average scaled score was 107.6 compared to 103.8 in Coventry and 104.3 Nationally.


70% of our Year 6 cohort achieved the expected standard or above. This was above the Coventry figure (68.6%) and just below the National figure (71.6%). 10% of children achieved the higher standard in the test which was above the Coventry figure (7.2%) and just below the National figure (12.8%).

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (GPS):

86.7% of our Year 6 cohort achieved the expected standard or above. This was significantly above the Coventry figure (71.1%) and the National figure (72.1%). 51.7% of children achieved the higher standard in the test which was significantly above the Coventry figure (32.1%) and the National figure (31.8%). Our cohort’s average scaled score was 108.6 compared to 105.3 in Coventry and 105.2 Nationally. 

Further details can be find on the Government website:

Grange Farm Primary School - Compare school and college performance data in England - GOV.UK (compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk)