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Grange Farm Primary School

Grange Farm Primary School

Year 4

Please see below for our parent information presentation for Year 4:

y4 parent and carer information meeting.pdf

 Autumn Term Curriculum Letter:

y4 curriculum letter autumn.pdf

Spring Term Curriculum Letter:

y4 curriculum letter spring.pdf


3rd October

This week in history as part of the creative curriculum, Year 4 have been examining Anglo-Saxon and Viking artefacts.  We also looked at the causes and consequences of Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions of Britain.


24th October

This week we have been looking at the homework the children have brought it. It has been fantastic to see the effort they have put in and what they have produced.



3rd November

This week we had a visit from the West Midlands Fire Service to talk to the children about fire safety and what to do if they were ever in the situation. It was a fantastic opportunity to ask questions and even try on some of the kit.



12th November

To support their learning for the Invaders topic, Year 4 enjoyed a brilliant trip to the Field Studies Council site at Bishops Wood. 

While they were there, the children took on the roles of Anglo Saxons and relocated from Saxony to Britannia by working as a team on their huge Saxon ship, explored a Saxon house, made traditional clay pots, spun wool for clothes and made Saxon brooches in the workshop.

Finally, the children made shelters in the woods from natural resources and then learnt how Saxons used char cloth. a flint and steel to make a warming camp fire.

Y4 Trip to Bishopswood

3rd December:

We were extremely lucky to be invited to perform at Coventry Cathedral as part of their schools Carol Service this week. It was a fantastic opportunity for the children to perform in such grand surroundings and really kick start the festive spirit. 


Y4 Cathedral Carols


