Grange Farm Primary School

Year Group Information

Children begin at Grange Farm in one of our Reception classes, in the first September following their fourth birthday. The Reception year is the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage which children progress through from birth to the age of 5. This is the curriculum that will have guided their learning if they previously went to Nursery.

The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum encourages children to be independent learners who follow their own interests but who also lay strong foundations in core areas. At the end of Reception, children are assessed against Early Learning Goals, with the key areas being PSED (Personal, Social & Emotional Development), Communication & Language, Physical Development, Literacy and Mathematical Development.

A typical day at Grange Farm will include a phonics lesson, 2 maths lessons, a guided reading lesson, either a topic / RE / music / PE / PSHE lesson, milk / water time, a story, rhyme time and a trip to the adventure playground. Continuous Provision has a key part to play in your child’s learning. Whilst they might see this as playing all day, your child is learning a lot through their play. Continuous Provision activities are planned to support your child learn and grow across all 7 Early Learning Goals.

We follow a number of teaching schemes to ensure your child receives a rich and balanced curriculum. These include Jolly Phonics, White Rose Maths and NCETM Maths Mastery. If you would like to find out more about how to support your child with phonics and maths there are links below:

Jolly Phonics:

There is also a range of youtube videos that have the songs and actions taught in school which your child will know and enjoy.

White Rose Maths:

Maths Mastery:

In Reception we teach reading through both our phonics and guided reading lessons. Your child will bring home a Jolly Phonics book, an enrichment reader and reading log. The Jolly Phonics book will be the book we have read in guided reading the week before and your child will be familiar with this book. This will be sent home on a Friday and collected the following Thursday. The enrichment reader is a book that your child has chosen from a selection of colour banded books. This book can be changed on a Monday and a Thursday. In order for your child to be able to change their reading book there must be a comment in their reading log to say they have read it.

Remember that you can always look on Twitter (@gfprimarycov) to see what we’ve been up to (the feed is also on the homepage of this website).

As they enter Year 1, children are moving into Key Stage 1 which runs from the age of 5 to the age of 7. The curriculum in Key Stage 1 becomes more formal but there is an important transition that happens gradually so that the children become used to the different expectations in a way that makes sense to them.

Children will work in more traditional lessons, focusing on the development of English and Maths skills for a larger part of their day. Phonics continues to be a key part of learning and children (as with all children in Year 1 across England) complete a Phonics Check towards the end of the year to see how well they are developing these skills.

At Grange Farm, particular topic areas covered in Year 1 are: Childhood, Bright Lights Big City and School Days. These topics combine History, Geography, Art and DT. Alongside this the children are also taught PE, RE, Science, Music, PSHE and Computing.

Even though there is a shift to a more formal curriculum, we endeavour to make sure that children are having plenty of opportunities to be creative and have experience of a wide breadth of curriculum areas.

Remember that you can always look on Twitter (@gfprimarycov) to see what we’ve been up to (the feed is also on the homepage of this website).

In September, we ran Parent Information Sessions to help everyone get settled into the new school year.  The presentation we shared is here:

This is the final year in Key Stage 1. There are no longer formal National tests for children at the end of Key Stage 1 and instead the children will be assessed  throughout the year through a series of informal tests and teacher assessments.

As in Year 1, there is a focus on developing core skills in Reading, Writing and Maths. Phonics sessions continue but these now focus on learning different rules for spelling the sounds children can hear in words. English is a tricky language so this takes some doing!

While the world may feel a step more formal again from Year 1, we still place much emphasis on children having access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Topics in Year 2 include Movers & Shakers, Coastlines and Magnificent Monarchs. Alongside these topics children are taught PE, RE, Science, Music, PSHE and Computing.

Remember that you can always look on Twitter (@gfprimarycov) to see what we’ve been up to (the feed is also on the homepage of this website).

In September, we ran Parent Information Sessions to help everyone get settled into the new school year.  The presentation we shared is here:

Year 3 is the first of four years that children spend in Key Stage 2, running from 7 to 11 years of age. There is a rise in expectations in independence and learning behaviour from Year 2 although, as you would expect, we still very much treat children as individuals and cater for their particular needs.

Children no longer complete phonics sessions each day but will focus on spelling regularly and will also have time in their week devoted to learning other key skills in English such as grammar, punctuation and handwriting.

In Year 3, as previously in Key Stage 1, children will access much of their learning in subjects from across the curriculum in a themed topic approach. Themes in Year 3 include: Through the Ages, Rocks,Relics & Rumbles and Emporers & Empires. Alongside this children are taught PE, Science, Music, PSHE, RE and Computing. Children also begin to study a Modern Foreign Language which at Grange Farm is French.

Remember that you can always look on Twitter (@gfprimarycov) to see what we’ve been up to (the feed is also on the homepage of this website).

In September, we ran Parent Information Sessions to help everyone get settled into the new school year.  The presentation we shared is here:

Children enter Year 4 when they are 8 years-old. This year sees children increasingly capable of sustained pieces of independent work across the curriculum. Expectations continue to rise both in terms of academic achievement and also independent learning.

In Year 4, children access themed topics including Invasion, Misty Mountains Winding River and Ancient Civilisation.  Through these topics they complete learning in Geography, History, Art and Design & Technology. These also continue their learning in Science, PE, Music, RE, PSHE, Computing and MfL. As part of their music curriculum, the children have a term of whole class instrumental lessons where they begin to learn to play the cornet.

Remember that you can always look on Twitter (@gfprimarycov) to see what we’ve been up to (the feed is also on the homepage of this website).

In September, we ran Parent Information Sessions to help everyone get settled into the new school year.  The presentation we shared is here:

Year 5 children are 9 and 10 years old. The structure of the curriculum continues much as it has over Key Stage 2 although there remains a steady increase in the demands that the curriculum places on them.

The themed topics that children engage with in Year 5 include: Dynamic Dynasties, Sow, Grow & Farm and Groundbreaking Greeks which include History, Geography, Art and Design Technology. Alongside this children continue their learning in Science, RE, Music, PSHE, PE, Computing and MfL. In Year 5 children continue to have a term of whole class instrumental lessons.

Remember that you can always look on Twitter (@gfprimarycov) to see what we’ve been up to (the feed is also on the homepage of this website).

In September, we ran Parent Information Sessions to help everyone get settled into the new school year.  The presentation we shared is here:

Year 6 is the final year of Primary school and the end of Key Stage 2. This is a key year in the life of a primary school child for a variety of reasons and children leave Year 6 ready to embrace the new challenges ahead at secondary school.

The children themselves are very aware that, in May, they complete national curriculum assessments, commonly known as SATs. These show their achievement in Reading, Writing and Maths and we know from experience that children like to push themselves to perform at their best and show off the learning that they have done in Year 6 and throughout their primary school lives.

However, we do not fall into the trap of making Year 6 just about Reading, Writing and Maths. We still aim to give children access to a wide, rich and varied curriculum including themed topics on Maafa, Frozen Kingdoms and Britain at War. Alongside these topics they continue their learning in Science, MfL, PE, RE, PSHE, Music and Computing. As part of the music curriculum, the children have a final term of whole class instrumental lessons building on skills they have learned in the previous years.

The social development of children is particularly important in Year 6 as they get ready for a significant transition in their lives. We give children opportunities to expand their confidence and experience with activities like the outdoor pursuit residential to Plas Dol-y-Moch and the end-of-year production.

Remember that you can always look on Twitter (@gfprimarycov) to see what we’ve been up to (the feed is also on the homepage of this website).

In September, we ran Parent Information Sessions to help everyone get settled into the new school year.  The presentation we shared is here:

Find Us

Grange Farm Primary School
Dewsbury Avenue


024 7641 1098
